Human, PublicationQuadriceps strength, patellar tendon quality, relative load exposure, and knee symptoms in male athletes before the anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Human, PublicationCharacterising the proximal patellar tendon attachment and its relationship to skeletal maturity in adolescent ballet dancers
Human, PublicationProximal patellar tendon pathology can develop during adolescence in young ballet dancers-A 2-year longitudinal study
Human, PublicationIncreased damaged fibers (echo-type III and IV) of both tendons were found among the control group, yet not among soldiers who performed prevention exercises.
Human, PublicationAchilles Tendon and Patellar Tendon Structure in Combat Soldiers Following Prevention Exercises
Human, PublicationIntra- and Inter-Rater Reliability of Processing Ultrasound Tissue Characterization Scans in Midportion Achilles Tendinopathy