Equine, PublicationTendon structure changes after maximal exercise in the Thoroughbred horse: use of ultrasound tissue characterisation to detect in vivo tendon response
Equine, Fundamental Research, PublicationComputerised analysis of standardised ultrasonographic images to monitor the repair of surgically created core lesions in equine superficial digital flexor tendons following treatment with intratendinous platelet rich plasma or placebo
Equine, Fundamental Research, PublicationMonitoring of the repair process of surgically created lesions in equine superficial digital flexor tendons by use of computerized ultrasonography
Human, PublicationDoes the adolescent patellar tendon respond to 5 days of cumulative load during a volleyball tournament?
Human, PublicationAchilles tendinopathy – do plantaris tendon removal and Achilles tendon scraping improve tendon structure? A prospective study using ultrasound tissue characterisation
Human, PublicationAustralian football players’ Achilles tendons respond to game loads within 2 days: an ultrasound tissue characterisation (UTC) study