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Our Promise

No Limits Anymore: Optimal Performance with UTC Tendinopathy Ultrasound

our promise

Accelerate Healing, Enhance Performance

We believe that early detection, precise treatment, and systematic monitoring are essential for better quality of life and enhanced performance.

Our mission is to empower medical specialists to achieve this goal with affordable, accessible, and highly reliable tools.

our innovative solution

Insight in Tendons

The UTC System is a combination of the Terason Ultrasound Scanner, UTC Imaging software and the UTC Tracker


What experts in the field say

Achilles and patella tendon pain is very common, but the precise nature of the complaint is difficult to diagnose and treat. The new imaging modality of ultrasound tissue characterization (UTC) produces high resolution scans of the tendon, providing an in depth analysis of the health of the tendon tissue. In the future this technology will become indispensable for preventing tendon overload, diagnosing tendon conditions and monitoring rehabilitation.

Quote from Management of Tendinopathies with Ultrasound Tissue Characterization

(SportEX Medicine 2014;61(July):26-30)

Chris Myers

Clinical Director Complete Physio & SMUG Ultrasound Training - Physio, Osteo, MSK Sonographer

UTC plays an important role in monitoring athletes’ tendon health during each phase of the rehabilitation process and for managing in-season tendon pain.

Quote from Management of Tendinopathies with Ultrasound Tissue Characterization (SportEX Medicine 2014;61(July):26-30)

Jarrod Antflick

Director and founder of Total Performance
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